Heating water buffer cylinder
Heating water buffer cylinder with connection for solar collectors, cylinder capacity: 400, 600, 750 and 950 litres
Versatile in application
Particularly suitable for solar thermal systems, heat pumps and solid fuel boilers
Low heat losses
Through highly efficient all-round thermal insulation
Pump station for the solar collector circuit
For easy mounting on the cylinder as an accessory (included in standard delivery with 400 litre capacity)
Vitotrans 353 freshwater module
For hygienic DHW heating according to the instantaneous water heating principle
Suitable for systems with multiple heat generators
Through multiple flow and return connections plus additional connections for measuring points
Vitotrans 353 can also be installed on the cylinder
Available as an accessory
Vitocell 140-E: versatile combinable buffer cylinder
For storing heating water in conjunction with solar thermal systems, heat pumps and solid fuel boilers. With internal indirect coil for connection to solar collectors. Version to DIN 4753.
Product details
- Cylinder capacity
- Type SEIA: 140 litres
- Type SEIC: 600, 750 and 950 litres
- Product cross-section Vitocell 140-E type SEIC (750 litres)